What We Support

Selection Criteria

Our Selection Criteria:

  • fits our mission.

  • has the potential for significant impact.

  • has potential for replication by other organizations.

  • organization track record for fiscal responsibility and community impact.

  • We do not fund lobbying or political activities, commercial business purposes, or direct grants to individuals

Please see the section Grant Applications on our Home Page.

Focus Areas

Our Primary Mission is to support established 501 (c) (3) charities that focus on helping people help themselves. We also support those charities for whom our Trustees have or feel a personal connection.

Some focus areas and grantees are:

Environment--The University of Maine Climate Change Institute

The Simsbury Land Trust

The Ausbon Sargent Land Trust

Education and Arts--The New London Barn Theater

The Bushnell Theater for Performing Arts

People in Need--The Village for Families and Children


Additional food banks in Boston, Hartford, and Boise

The Disabled--Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

New England Handicapped Ski Association