Apply For a Grant

Grant Process

  1. Review the What We Support section to determine if your proposal fits our mission.

  2. Complete the Grant Application below, and email it to us at:

  1. Our grant review committee will thoroughly review your application, and may need to contact you for clarification or additional information. The committee will then present it to the full Board of Trustees.

  2. Should the Board decide that this is not a good fit for us, we will notify you. Our goal is to do this within three months of the application submission. Should the Board decide to move ahead, we would notify you to schedule a site visit to meet with the members of your organization charged with implementation of the proposal.

  3. Once the site visit is completed, the Board will determine if the project will be funded.

  4. Once your grant request is approved, we will prepare a contract between our organizations. This will include intended results, targets, milestones, reporting requirements, and a payment schedule